
This course has a strong practical component. You make multiple assignments (in groups of two) which together make up 50% of your final grade. Therefore, carefully read the below topics.

Assignment PDF


You take the assignments in groups of two. 

Contributions: Make sure you do all work together, and learn together. Splitting the assignment is not allowed.

Grading scheme

You can find the assignment grading scheme here.

Report template

Write your report in this Latex template

Page limit: '4+1'

Example reports (only for illustration of scientific writing)

Below you find two example reports. These reports are from a different, more advanced master course. There are only added to illustrate 1) how you may lay-out your document (figure placement, captions, etc.) and 2) how you structure your report (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion/Conclusion). Note that you don't need to add an abstract for your course reports, and you don't need to add reference for any lecture material (slides, book, assignments text, etc.)


Include your code with the report. 


Guidelines on Experimentation & Report Writing

Study these lecture slides first! (You can find the same content with additional advice, also for a thesis, at:


Referencing & Plagiarism

See Plagiarism for full details.